🔗Set Up Your MagicID

MagicID brings all of your crypto, DeFi, and NFT projects into one convenient space

What is MagicID?

The MagicID project offers a new way to manage digital identities. It's an open-source network protocol that makes it easy and safe to access different platforms and services. Our protocol lets users log in using various methods like SSI, DID, email, social media, and phone numbers, creating a simple, unified login experience. With growing concerns about privacy and security, the demand for digital identity solutions is increasing. Our flexible protocol fits this need, helping both individuals and businesses easily manage and share their digital identity information.

How to Set Up Your Magic ID?

After connecting your wallet, navigate to and click on your Account Icon, then select Settings. You will see the window shown in the image below. To complete your MagicID, please follow the step-by-step guide provided below.

Profile Overview

1. Edit Your Personal Information:

After clicking the "Edit Information" button, a pop-up will appear. Simply fill in the empty fields:

  1. Choose your Username

  2. Display Name

  3. Email Address

  4. Profile Description

Personal Information

After clicking on the 'Link Social Accounts' button, a pop-up will appear. Click on 'Connect Telegram Account,' and a new tab will open, asking you to 'Log in with Telegram', click on it, and then click on 'Accept'.

social links
Connect Socials Pop-Up
Log in With Telegram
Accept request access via magicsqrlogin

3. Connect Your Wallet:

When you click on 'Connect EVM Wallet,' you will see a pop-up. Choose the wallet you want to connect with. For this guide, we will select 'EVM Wallet.' A pop-up will then appear asking you to sign the signature request to connect your wallet. Click on 'Sign,' and you are good to go.

Connect Wallet Pop-up
Signature Request

4. Human Verification:

Liveness Amazon Test:

Liveness Verification is 100% FREE and you can complete it in 3 minutes.

For a detailed guide on how to pass the Amazon Liveness Verification test, click here.


For a detailed guide on how to get your Gitcoin Passport, click here.

How to Connect Your TON Wallet to Your Magic Store Account?

To connect your TON Wallet:

  • Go to your profile settings and click on the "Connect TON Wallet" button.

  • Select your preferred connection method, such as Tonkeeper.

  • Click "Connect Wallet" in your wallet application to complete the setup.

  • You can find a complete list of available TON Wallets at the following link.

Connect TON Wallet
Connect TON Wallet Confirmation

Last updated