Hot Offers
Exclusive Magic Store Offers on Magic Store
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Exclusive Magic Store Offers on Magic Store
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Hot offers are exclusive opportunities that can only be found on the Magic Store. This is the place where you'll encounter a vast array of high-end projects, each offering exceptional deals and promotions. What sets these deals apart is their exclusivity to the Magic Store Community, ensuring that members have access to unparalleled offers.
To successfully claim an offer, follow these steps:
View the Offer: Click on the "View Offer" button located beneath the offer you are interested in.
Read the Instructions: Carefully read the instructions or guide provided for each offer
Minimum Karma: Ensure that you have enough Karma to claim the Hot Offer.
Minimum Membership: Ensure you have at least the minimum required membership level. For example, "Premium" access means only Premium and Premium Plus members can access that exclusive offer.
Claim the Offer: Once you have understood the instructions, click on the "Claim Offer" button.
Follow Through: Execute the steps as mentioned in the previous instructions to complete the claim process.
The Magic Store features two types of Hot Offers
$SQR Hot Offers: Rewards are distributed in $SQR tokens directly to the user's Magic ID SQR Balance upon successful completion.
$USDT Hot Offers: Rewards are distributed in $USDT tokens directly to the user's Magic ID USDT Balance upon successful completion.
After successfully claiming an offer with an $USDT/$SQR reward, you will receive an email confirmation and the $USDT/$SQR reward amount will be credited to your Magic ID balance. Additionally, you can track your rewards on your Karma Dashboard.
What to do if I do not receive the reward and have successfully claimed the offer? If you donât receive the email or encounter issues executing the offer, please open a ticket on our Discord Server or Telegram and our team will assist you further.
What is First Come, First Served? The offer operates on a 'first-come, first-served' basis for the first X users who complete the tasks. You may participate and complete tasks, but you could miss out on rewards if you're not among the initial X number of users.
What is Proof Of Work? The offers operate on a Proof of Work basis, conducted by the Project's Team, not by Magic Square. Please note that submissions may take up to 72 hours to review. Excluding weekends and holidays.
What is SoQuest? SoQuest is a Web3 platform where users can engage in campaigns, earn crypto rewards, and establish their web3 identity. Social Media Campaigns from the Magic Store are hosted on SoQuest, where all actions are automatically reviewed by their system.
Country Restrictions: The availability of offers in various countries is determined by the projects that are advertised on the Magic Store, not by the Magic Store itself.
Disclaimer: After you claim your Hot Offer, our team will conduct a thorough verification. This approval process may take up to 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). Please note that your reward will only be issued once your claim has been approved.
Support: Should you encounter any issues with the Hot Offer, kindly open a Discord or Telegram support ticket.
Hot Offer campaigns may be paused for the following reasons:
Submissions Under Review: The campaign is on hold while waiting for the project to review submissions before reaching the limit. Your submissions will be reviewed, and you will be notified.
Under Maintenance: The project is making adjustments to the campaign or the campaign is under maintenance.